Building #4!
The fourth building on our leased property was erected this week in Cercadillo by volunteers from Pennsylvania and Florida. Once again, our partners TIME Ministries facilitated the teams and the construction. We’ll hire Dominicans to make the concrete floor but will be using the building even before the floor is done. Our need for classroom space keeps growing!
Cancer Has Slowed Me Down
An involved case of the chikungunya virus that plagued our island made June and July quite difficult. When seeking treatment for that virus, it was discovered that I have cancer. After a thyroidectomy in mid August I received the diagnosis of Follicular Thyroid Cancer Stage III. A body scan after I swallowed radioactive iodine seemed to indicate that the cancer is being eradicated by this treatment. A follow-up scan in March will hopefully confirm this.
I have received excellent medical care and have been showered with help and kindness here in the DR. God’s hand has been evident throughout this whole process. It’s been yet another opportunity to learn just how faithful our God is.
Thankfully my energy level is ssssllllllloooooowwwwwlllllllllyyyyyy returning. I look forward to the day that I can be back in the village full time. And as energy returns I will also plan to update this blog. God continues to be involved in the lives of our dear ones in Cercadillo and I’m eager to tell you about all that’s happening!