
It’s Happening!

Coming Soon……

The multi-purpose building designed for us by Josué Mallen.

*We received permission from local authorities to build.

*A well has been drilled and work has begun on the septic system.

*A local team will soon begin laying out the foundation for the building and pouring the footers in preparation for the US volunteer teams who will be joining in the work.

*Please be praying for the local team and the following ones:

*Mid-February, QUEST, a youth group from across New England, will be making the foundation for a 40-foot shipping container which will be divided into two bathrooms and
*March 1-8 – Monument Hill, CO
*March 22-29 – Hope Chapel, MA
*March 29-April 5 – Hope of Israel, CO
*April 5-12 – Church in the Pines, MA
*April 26-May 3 – Albuquerque, NM

We promise to update you throughout
this whirlwind spring in the meantime,


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Goodbye 2024

I love a good yearly planner and almost get a little giddy switching from one year to the next. Are there any other dinosaurs like me left on the planet? Anyone else who records scheduled events and to do lists with paper and pen? 

A glance through my 2024 planner shows weekly Kids’ clubs, tutoring, women’s activities, weekly leadership meetings, six week-long visiting teams, two camps, black shoes and school supplies given to campers, a wedding celebration in Vietnan, repaired/replaced zinc roofs, garden fences constructed, garden seeds distributed, an eye glass clinic, basic medical training, new youth leadership program initiated, a leader trip to the beach, three Christmas parties, and many meetings with architects and engineers. (Obviously, not in chronological order. ?)

The planner doesn’t record my joy as groups of little girls came up to me after Marcelina’s wedding to ask, “Ina, when we get married, will you help us have a wedding this beautiful?” “Oh yes!” I replied. “And even better!” Hope of more stable families was alive that night as the community participated in what I was told was the first wedding ever celebrated in Vietnan. (Kudos to Amazing Grace and friends who transformed a little poll building into a wedding chapel and made 150 little decorated wedding cakes.)

The planner doesn’t record my despair when our architect/general contractor died unexpectedly and all work on our community campus stopped. 

I could go on for a few hours about the ups and downs of 2024; as I am sure you could as well. This is life, no matter where we are. I am thankful that God’s faithfulness does not change nor his presence with us during the time when all went as planned (or better!) and when everything seemed to fall apart. I am thankful for those of you who prayed for me and for the ministry here in the DR this last year. I am thankful for those of you who gave in 2024. I am thankful for those of you who came during 2024. May God richly bless you for your participation. 

Although we haven’t officially started 2025 yet, my planner is already filling up with groups and activities. Some exciting stuff is going to be happening! Would you please be praying for:

  • Four Canadian young women who will be volunteering with us from January 5 to March 10
  • The building permit for our open-air multi-purpose building. Pray that we receive the permit quickly!
  • A well we hope to drill on our land in January.
  • bathroom we hope to construct on our land in February.
  • Construction of the open-air multi-purpose building!!!

As of tonight, combining pledges and donations we have 70% of our goal of $58,000 for the building. Only $17,650 left to give!

If you are an end-of-the-year giver and are still looking for a place to donate, might I recommend a good cause? ?(You can donate here)

Blessings to all and may your 2025 be both joy and faith filled!


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