
A Few Construction Site Updates…

Hello Friend,


A group of people in a construction site

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QUEST finished the foundation supports for the shipping container and the cement platform around the well.  Good job QUEST!   The shipping container that will be divided into bathrooms and storage should be sitting on these supports by the end of this week.QUEST finished the foundation supports for the shipping container and the cement platform around the well.  Good job QUEST!   The shipping container that will be divided into bathrooms and storage should be sitting on these supports by the end of this week.

A tractor with a bucket on the side

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A group of people cutting down trees

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Have you heard the old saying that you must crack some eggs to make a cake?  Sadly, in our case it is you must cut down an old mango tree to prepare for a multi-purpose building.   Our local team is working hard to be ready for the team from Monument Hill Church in Monument, CO who will be with us from March 1-8. They will be working on the foundation.  Woohoo!  It is really happening!!!
Current challenges: Just like everywhere in the world right now, prices are quickly rising.   We had plans for the bathrooms in the shipping container to each have two sinks and two toilets with stall dividers.  Our architect had a plan to connect to city power so that the toilets would flush “normally,” and water would be accessible when turning on the faucets in the sink. 

However, rising costs have led us to scale back to a toilet in each bathroom that will flush with a bucket of water and a sink that can be used by pouring water from a pitcher.   This is still an upgrade from what we had before and what most of our people have.   

If someone would like to help us complete our original plans for the bathrooms, (not a dire need) these are the current costs:

Toilets = $150 x 3     
Sinks = $125 X 3   
Electrical Connections = $1500  
Stall Dividers = $1700

We have scaled back considerably on the perimeter enclosure and are now planning something like a chain link fence.   We are only fencing in the corner of our land that we are currently developing.  We will need 460 feet of fencing at a cost of $13.60 per foot.   Anybody want to buy a foot or two of fencing?

Please know that I am aware that many of you are facing your own financial crisis.   Do not feel any obligation to give!   I am posting this in case someone has the capacity and desire to help.   Also, please know that I am carefully “pinching every peso” to be sure that we are wise stewards of all that has been entrusted to us.  
*Please continue to pray for our upcoming teams:

*March 1-8 – Monument Hill, CO
*March 22-29 – Hope Chapel, MA
*March 29-April 5 – Hope of Israel, CO
*April 5-12 – Church in the Pines, MA
*April 26-May 3 – Albuquerque, NM

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It’s Happening!

Coming Soon……

The multi-purpose building designed for us by Josué Mallen.

*We received permission from local authorities to build.

*A well has been drilled and work has begun on the septic system.

*A local team will soon begin laying out the foundation for the building and pouring the footers in preparation for the US volunteer teams who will be joining in the work.

*Please be praying for the local team and the following ones:

*Mid-February, QUEST, a youth group from across New England, will be making the foundation for a 40-foot shipping container which will be divided into two bathrooms and
*March 1-8 – Monument Hill, CO
*March 22-29 – Hope Chapel, MA
*March 29-April 5 – Hope of Israel, CO
*April 5-12 – Church in the Pines, MA
*April 26-May 3 – Albuquerque, NM

We promise to update you throughout
this whirlwind spring in the meantime,


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