Here are some ways we’ve been reaching the whole person, whole family and whole community with the love of God in the past few weeks…

A “Stellar” Summer Camp
JULY CAMP IS A WRAP! And it was stellar! In fact, that was our theme, “Stellar – Brilla La Luz De Jesús” meaning “Shine Jesus’ Light”. This was a perfect fit for our amazing team from Gateway Community Church (VA) which included not one but TWO science teachers and an aerospace engineer. Our kids explored cosmic concepts like gravity and the solar system, and even built rockets! They had an absolute blast! They also practiced how to get along with one another during conflict, and – most importantly – they learned about God’s immense love and discovered the light of the world. Round 2 of our “Stellar” camp is coming up in August when we host our next team from Church in the Pines (MA)!
Watch the recap video!!!

The Next Generation
Carmencita is one of our community leaders and at this year’s camp, her son, Jesús Emmanuel (right/ bottom right yellow hat), helped lead songs and sports! (Watch him in action at :52 second mark of the recap video up above) And he wasn’t the only one. Our large group time of music and skits was entirely led by youth who grew up going to camps! Thank you Jesús Emmanuel and Carmencita for your passion for loving God and serving others. You are a true blessing to our community!