Emily Doering arrived last Tuesday evening and has already been a huge help in preparing tutoring materials and other behind-the-scenes tasks. Emily is fluent in Spanish, having grown up in the DR, and is already familiar with our communities. When you add her servant heart to her skill set you end up with quite an intern! So thankful she will be with us until the end of June!
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QUEST was here!
The Mission Base got its official “breaking-in” last week with the QUEST team from the Baptist Convention of New England.
The team did behind-the-scenes type projects such as preparing a base for the shipping container, inventorying children’s books and peeling plastic off the garage door. Not necessarily Instagram-worthy acts, but completing those tasks move us closer to our next goals.
We invited some youth from our ministry to come to the Mission Base to share pizza, ice cream and UNO on the upstairs patio with the QUEST team. What a fun night! I love seeing our new building being used for exactly what we have intended all along.
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