
Big news from the Cercadillo Project!

Published on May 8, 2024 by in Uncategorized

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Can you imagine something as simple as rain derailing your child’s teaching? Listen to Ina’s story about tutoring her students in open air buildings in the rain. Case in point why we are building a Community Campus to host a first-class school so kids can learn and grow, rain or shine!

Big News From Our Build

We’ve engaged with a local company and, in just a few months, we will have architectural plans and site work done for our brand new Community Campus! This multi-purpose facility will be used for education, local business opportunities and, Lord willing, a thriving evangelical church. 

Thank you for your love, support and prayers! Through your partnership we are spreading the hope and love of Jesus in the Dominican Republic. We love you all! 

– Ina & The Cercadillo Project Team

P.S. We’re now on Instagram!

Follow us @communityofhope.dr to stay up to date with all God’s doing in Cercadillo and Vietnan. 

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Emily D!

Published on May 22, 2023 by in Uncategorized

Emily Doering arrived last Tuesday evening and has already been a huge help in preparing tutoring materials and other behind-the-scenes tasks. Emily is fluent in Spanish, having grown up in the DR, and is already familiar with our communities. When you add her servant heart to her skill set you end up with quite an intern! So thankful she will be with us until the end of June!

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