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Prayer Alert

Published on March 8, 2011 by in Uncategorized

I just got the official word that our request for help from the Dominican government for FOUR NEW WELLS IN CERCADILLO has been approved!!!  It is hard to describe how much of a miracle this is.

The “neighborhoods” where the wells will be located have been asked to raise $5000 RD , approx $135 USD, and Southcoast Community Church in Fairhaven, MA has generously donated $3500 USD toward the project.  If the Dominican government fulfills their promise we will be able to completely cover the costs.

I was just told that the work MAY begin by the end of this week or the beginning of the next.  PLEASE PRAY FOR THE GOVERNMENT AGENCY TO FULFILL ITS PROMISE.  This will be life-changing for at least 60 families to have water relatively close to their homes.

Wish I could convey in words how incredibly excited I am that we were approved and that it might happen SOON!!!


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