Few would doubt the importance of a great education. One of the ways we are supporting education is by providing quality teacher training for the public school many of our children attend.
In July these six wonderful women from the Maryville, IL area presented three days of very professional, very practical workshops.
Workshop topics included guided reading groups, reading comprehension , learning with games and classroom management.
Our Maryville friends not only brought workshop notebooks chalked full of great idea for each of the participants, they also brought many, many, many other classroom supplies. The public school teachers were overjoyed!
Thousands of thank you’s, Maryville ladies, for not only spending hours upon hours preparing for these workshops, but also for the humble, non-assuming way you presented them. And also, you get some bonus points in my book for presenting in a room where it was VERY hot and humid without even any fans due to an electricity issue!
The public school teachers are already talking about next year’s training! 🙂