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A Salute To My “Maine Ladies”

If you have ever heard me talk in depth about The Cercadillo Project, you have most likely have heard me speak of “My Maine Ladies”… friends from New England who traveled to the DR many times over the years. Their original visit in 2008 birthed our sewing and crafting initiative. Many times, they came to introduce a new product that our women could make. One time they came to prepare materials for tutoring and in January 2022 they came to make curtains for our mission base. Always they came to encourage. Always there was much laughter. 

There were four key ladies, with occasional others as well. We lost Janie Keith to cancer in 2022 and Jean Smith in 2023. Last night I received word that Susan Brindle passed. Three of “My Maine Ladies” are gone. I deeply feel the loss of those three today. Three ladies who supported me and our ministry here through the years with their praying, giving and serving. Three ladies who I am sure heard “Well done” as they entered eternity.

Today as I am processing this grief, I am also reminded of the how many, many others have supported this ministry through the years, and I am thankful. Today I am hopeful knowing that the same God who sent us “The Maine Ladies” at just the right time is calling and preparing others to fill their shoes. As we continue to pray for and plan for the development of our community campus, we know we need those who will come for short term trips, those who will help raise resources to build, and those who will come and plant their lives here. Might you be part of the exciting future that God has in store for our communities of Cercadillo and Vietnan?

Love to all,


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