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It’s Happening!

Coming Soon……

The multi-purpose building designed for us by Josué Mallen.

*We received permission from local authorities to build.

*A well has been drilled and work has begun on the septic system.

*A local team will soon begin laying out the foundation for the building and pouring the footers in preparation for the US volunteer teams who will be joining in the work.

*Please be praying for the local team and the following ones:

*Mid-February, QUEST, a youth group from across New England, will be making the foundation for a 40-foot shipping container which will be divided into two bathrooms and
*March 1-8 – Monument Hill, CO
*March 22-29 – Hope Chapel, MA
*March 29-April 5 – Hope of Israel, CO
*April 5-12 – Church in the Pines, MA
*April 26-May 3 – Albuquerque, NM

We promise to update you throughout
this whirlwind spring in the meantime,


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