Congratulations to these 10 women who passed their exam today! (One not pictured left early with a sick child.)
During our discipleship time on Wednesday mornings we have been memorizing the books of the New Testament and these women can rapidly say the books in order. This may sound “old school” and boring to some, but we have had a great deal of fun. We even do the Bible drill games where you race to see who can find a passage first. Probably not something I would try with adults in the States, but my women love every game I can come up with!
The women challenged themselves today to help the other 20+ women in the group to learn the books as well. How great is that?
The women often tell me that being more familiar with the Bible has helped to take away some of the mystery of a book that they never thought applied to them. Just this morning a woman came with a verse she had found and wanted to share with the group. A spontaneous discussion broke out. It was excellent!
What a joy to watch them growing stronger!
Yaquelin is proudly showing the spinach from her garden. Isn’t it exciting to think about all the vitamins the villagers are adding into their diet with these fresh leafy vegetables?
From my American childhood I’m seeing images of Popeye, without the pipe. 🙂 It does occur to me that there may be Dominican children who aren’t as thrilled about the spinach method for growing stronger!
INA!!!! What a week of celebration!! God is really doing amazing things through you and in the women! I can’t believe that spinach…it’s huge!! I so wish I was there to help with the gardening project as I am about to plant my garden here tomorrow. Love you.
This made me smile! We have two families (with a total of 11 kids) that meets here regularly. I have been doing “Sword drills” with the kids and they love it. It has encouraged them all to really learn the order of the books in the Bible. I need to freshen up on them myself!
You’re doing a great job blogging!