These are sad days in Cercadillo as people are grieving the death of 28-year-old Melo who died suddenly on Saturday. Some of you will remember Melo as the leader of the baseball players. Those from the last team might remember him as the leader of the guys who came over to help with the walkway. He lived in the house right next to our ministry center and was often out training his rooster to fight.
Melo was Carmencita’s brother, Gloneili, Eduarlin and Edison’s uncle, Luisa’s son, Minerva, Rosa and Ramona’s nephew, and the cousin of many of our core children.
Please pray for the village during this difficult time. Please pray for me to have wisdom to know what words of comfort to share and when to just sit silently with the family members during these next days of official mourning which can last up to 2 weeks.