
Three Kings Day – Round One

Published on January 9, 2011 by in Uncategorized

Traditionally, children go to bed on the 5th of January with the hope that the Three Kings who brought presents to Jesus will bring something to them.  The Dominican government moved the celebration to the 10th of January this year.   Because I can get the most help on Saturdays, we decided to have the big general party in Cercadillo today.  I just returned home and I’m beat!

Somewhere between 150 and 160 preschool and elementary age children came.  We showed the movie “Finding Nemo” and each child received a little bag of school supplies, a small toy, cookies and juice.  Overall the children were well behaved and my faithful workers Brigida, Rafaelina and Daniel were invaluable help, as well as some of the women of the village.

On Monday afternoon we will have two more parties: one for preschoolers and one for elementary age children who are regular attenders in our Sunday programming. Stay tuned for Three Kings Day – Round Two!

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First Christmas Choir and Choreography

This past Sunday was our first “homegrown” Christmas program in Cercadillo, meaning that all the participants were from the village. As the “choir” and the choreography team had one last practice time, the other children made paper chains to decorate the meeting area.

I don’t think there will be any offers for music contracts or videos anytime soon, but the adults enjoyed singing together,

the children in the audience were in awe of the girls performing the choreography, and parents were proud, just like Christmas programs everywhere.

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