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A Building and Some Bibles

Published on March 22, 2012 by in Uncategorized

A building . . .

Yesterday staff from TIME Ministries and men from the village began working on the foundation for our third building!  Today six men from Gateway Community Church in Northern Virginia will be arriving to build the wall and roof panels.  The current plan is for the building to be completed by next Tuesday evening.

And some Bibles . . .

Children from First Baptist Church in Kahoka, MO sent money for my children in Cercadillo to have Bibles.  We use an easy-to-read, modern language version and have been waiting a long time for the Bibles to be restocked at our local supplier.

(Yimelki has toothpaste in her hand because it was also our monthly toothpaste distribution time.  The children do not usually come to church with a tube. :))

If you’ve been to Cercadillo you have probably met these two girls, Rosalinda and Gloneili.  They have been part of the core group since the very beginning.  Oh my goodness they were difficult when I first met them!  This was probably due to a combination of my lack of Spanish skills and the lack of consistent rules in their environment.   We have ALL changed dramatically since those early days!

Let me just go ahead and publicly admit that every time I look at this picture I get teary-eyed.  (I think it’s the rollers in Gloneili’s hair that does it.) My little girls are growing up!  Where have the years gone?  A part of me wants to push a pause button to keep them just like this – 11 and 12 years old, genuinely smiling, proudly holding their first Bible.  And yet another part of me looks forward with great excitement for what is ahead for these two.   Oh my, I’m beginning to sound like a parent, aren’t I?

Thanks again to the children of First Baptist of Kahoka, MO for the Bibles and to each of you who partners with me in this adventure through your giving and faithful praying. What a privilege, what a privilege,  it is to be here!

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