Yes, you read that correctly, I meant to write “sheets” rather than sheep. This is another of my infamous multi-subject posts. I started this post in late December/early January but was experiencing the infamous, often-occuring internet problems. And then, well everything changed so quickly with Mom’s accident. So let me try to finish this now that it’s April!
Let’s start with the shepherds . . .
or the annual Christmas pageant in general. 2013 was the third year in a row that the children of Cercadillo led us in visualizing Luke 2 on Christmas morning.
Every year the children take more responsibility in the preparation.

A flag routine performed by our children has also become a part of our Christmas morning traditions.
And now to the sheets . . .
Perhaps some of you will remember that we were given 1000 lbs of milk bags from Canada. (See blog “Milk Bags into Mattresses.” ) Many of our families have been busy making mats to use for beds. We told the women that if they made a mattress, we would give them a set of sheets. Mom and I spent a morning in late December visiting in homes of those who had completed their task. You can imagine how thrilled the moms were to have a set of sheets for their children’s new “beds.”
I was extremely surprised and pleased by the ingenuity of some of our families. They used the bags to make walls to divide room in their homes!