I love our traditions on Easter morning . . .
Gathering at sunrise.
Greeting each other with, “¡Él resucitó!” and hearing the response, “¡En verdad, Él resucitó!” (He has risen! He has risen indeed!)
Singing the same resurrection songs and using the same plastic eggs to tell the story of the empty tomb.
Hearing once again that Jesus overcame death and therefore, we can have hope of eternal life.
Sharing Elida’s “habichuelas con dulce” (traditional sweet beans).
I’m so thankful to have had the privilege to be here long enough to have traditions! This year, especially I needed to be in Cercadillo to celebrate Easter with these who have become so dear. What a gift! He has risen indeed!

(OK, honestly I think our Dominican friends enjoy the sweet beans part a good bit more than we do. 🙂
My dear Ina,
So sad to hear of the great loss of your dear Mom.
It was heartwarming hearing – and seeing – of her time with you there. What a blessing for all!
I’m grateful to our Lord for you and your flourishing ministry.
With much love and sympathy,
Your old friend Celia