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Family Picture Project and a Paint Party

Published on March 31, 2021 by in Uncategorized

We strive to do many different projects to better the lives of the people in the communities we serve. Every once in a while we do things “just for funzies,” just to say, “Hey you’re important to us. We care about you!” Our family picture project was one of those.

Our leaders went into their communities with a digital camera to capture family units. I then printed and laminated the photos that are being delivered to the families as I write this. Will it dramatically change the trajectory of lives? Probably not, but we’re hoping it brings some smiles and a sense of being seen.

Today we incorporated a Paint Party into our Bible Study time as part of our Semana Santa (Holy Week) activities.

As she was painting, one of the ladies said with her tears streaming down her face, “Jesus suffered all of this for me. How can I not live for Him?”

A few updates . . .

We are still waiting for the last piece of paperwork for the Mission Base to pass through the DR system. As soon as that happens we are ready to purchase the property and begin some renovations. You will most likely hear my shouts of excitement and won’t need to wait for a blog update when that happens. 🙂

I’m continuing to recover from two cataract surgeries I had here in Santo Domingo at the beginning of March. My surgeon assures me that all is well and that my sight will most likely continue to improve in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned . . .

In April I’m participating in a virtual class to become certified in the Parents as Teachers program. This will allow us access to a curriculum that we believe will have a great impact for many of our families. I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about this in the months to come.

We are also working on another HUGE initiative that we hope to begin at the end of April. For those of you who just can’t wait to know more about it, check out 🙂

May we all live like people who know that Good Friday wasn’t the end of the story.

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