Home Archive for category "Uncategorized" (Page 23)

Mom was Promoted!

Published on April 2, 2016 by in Uncategorized

Several of you have journeyed with us from the time of Mom’s accident here in the DR in January of 2014 and through her subsequent hospitalizations, air ambulance flights and nursing home residence.    Mid morning January 29, 2016 she quietly and seemingly without pain finished the fight. I was in the village when I

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Rebekah Cline, Ayudante Extraordinaire!

Published on April 2, 2016 by in Uncategorized

We have been very blessed to have Rebekah Cline from St. Louis, MO working with us this semester.  This is Rebekah’s 5th trip to serve in Cercadillo.  Her first was as a college student in Spring of 2008. Rebekah is truly an “Ayudante (Helper) Extraordinaire!” Rebekah does many “behind the scenes” jobs to keep our various

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