Home Archive for category "Uncategorized" (Page 53)

Mother’s Day, Teacher Training and Frogs

Published on June 7, 2011 by in Uncategorized

Mother’s Day A Little Delayed Mother’s Day is celebrated in the DR on the last Sunday of May.  Our children had prepared banners the Sunday before to give to their mothers or grandmothers during the worship service and we had purchased a mug for each mother or grandmother present.  However, we were rained out on

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The Responsibility of Ajís

Published on June 1, 2011 by in Uncategorized

These “ajís” (non-spicy peppers) were grown in Cercadillo gardens and given to me today during discipleship class.  When I protested that they should just give me one, the ladies replied, “We have plenty!  We’ve shared with everyone and even sold some to a local store.  Take them, please!” We laughed about how there was a

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